Our websites & videos help you sell, inform, transact, automate, campaign, take bookings & persuade - 24/7.

Pictures tell a thousand words. Videos should speak millions.

Peruse our videos.

Nursing home videos

This video production for Melbourne nonprofit nursing home CaspaCare was a delight to make.

We had at our disposal a beautiful facility and a cast of residents who were only too happy to work with us to create a video showing viewers the quality of facility and the quality of life. (Special thanks to Sam who was a real pro.)

We shot a second video for CaspaCare’s other age care home in Port Melbourne.

Shot by Aaron Foley, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.

Staff profile videos

In a era of extreme competition for staff, organisations which share more about their leaders are more likely to attract the best candidates. Videos is the perfect way to do just that.

Merri took the decision to showcase many of their key staff starting with their CEO.

Shot by Aaron Foley, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.

Program / service videos

Showcase your projects and programs. Our videos don’t just tell people how special you are - they show people how special you are.

Our videos break down the barriers and uncertainty that stand between you and viewers who are considering your service.

Shot by Aaron Foley, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.

Client testimonial videos

Merri has engaged Hootville in many ways including to create client testimonial and staff profile videos.

Testimonials and profiles are two of the best reasons to invest in vieos. Prospects want to meet your people - who are probably your biggest selling point and what sets you apart from the competition.

Prospects also want to see that you serve people like them - who look and think like them, who come from similar backgrounds and hold similar concerns. Thanks Sara for sharing your story.

Shot by Aaron Foley, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.

Volunteer recruitment video

Community groups and nonprofit organisations run on volunteers. Videos can help you get more and better qualified enquiries.

The same principle can be applied to your quest for members, donors and supporters.

Shot by Aaron Foley, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.

School Ambassador videos

Brett de Hoedt worked in his public speaking coach guise with the Marriott Support Services School Ambassadors to create knock out presentations about the options available to young people with disabilities.

These presentations are delivered to young people with a disability, schools, TAFEs, parents and employers.

The public speaking training evolved into creating short profile videos to help individual Ambassadors including Jessica, secure public speaking opportunities.

By the time we shot the videos Brett had a strong relationship with the Ambassadors which helped him to coax out their stories. Directing is often undervalued in corporate videos. Brett’s time as a radio broadcaster comes in very handy.

Shot by Josh Waddell of Far Flung Films, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.

Tutorial / how-to videos

In the age of YouTube people expect to find advice and information on everything - from I.T issues to retirement planning. Viewers want credible advice presented clearly. Oh - they also want it NOW.

Use videos to highlight your expertise. That’s what Brett de Hoedt has done in a series of short, sharp approachable videos on pubic speaking and marketing.

You needn’t give away your essential trade secrets but instead offer practical, advice and in doing so demonstrate your knowledge and generous nature.

Shot by Aaron Foley, edited by Sam Tzouramanis of Evoco Design.